[美国版]Juxtapoz Art Culture 现代另类艺术杂志 2017年1月

Originally posted on 2019年10月4日 @ 上午8:07

现代另类艺术杂志,每期都有专访影响今日时尚、画风的地下艺术家,全彩图片和插画家的画作贯穿整本杂志。這本独一无二的杂志试图将边际风格、前卫艺术和国际艺术接轨,因而在现在这个世代产生出这样的一个杂志任务与宣言:結合传统与现代;与生活每一步相结合-现代艺术的崭新定义,值得读者们细细品味与收藏的杂志。It is a new art magazine for a new art movement! Biomonthly gallery of underground artists who influence much of the graphics, fashion and new art we see today. Full color layouts of painters and cartoonists are featured along with interviews and reviews. The unique publication attempts to fuse the lurid edges of consciousness, avant consumerism, and the international art community, and has emerged as a new art manifesto for our times. Reading beyond the boundaries of the traditional art world, Juxtapoz unites artists from every walk of life and media in a vision

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编号:juxt-2 大小:28M
页数:132 软件:Adobe Reader
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