西域考古图记共5册 1998 奥雷尔.斯坦因著 PDF下载

此《Serindia》(西域考古图记)由英国探险家斯坦因著。全系列分为五卷,前三卷为调查报告(包含实地照片和勘测图),第四卷为图版(塑像、壁画、写本等),第五卷为地图。主要内容为记录 1906 至 1908 年斯坦因在中国新疆和甘肃西部地区进行考古调查和发掘的成果。此套英文本出版于 1921 年。


卷一:Main text No.1. Records history, ruins and excavated artefacts from various regions in the western region along the southern route from northwest India. Covers Khotan, Domoko, Niya, Endere, Charchan, Charkhlik. Lop desert, Kroraina (Loulan) and Miran.

卷二:Main text No. 2. Refers to Dunhuang and details ruins of wall defenses, Mogao Caves and artifacts found in Cangjing caves.

卷三:Main Text No.3. Records the history, temple ruins and fort ruins for various regions in west Kansu (Xian, Jiuquan Zhangye), the Northern route in the western region (Hami, Turfan, Kara-shahr, Kucha Maral Bashi, Khotan), and the southern route in the western region (Khotan).

卷四:Paintings (total of 175 items) Terracotta fragments, wall painting fragments, seals, stucco statues, and ancient documents (Kharosthi documents and Brahmi script), Lifestyle items, wood carvings, currency, items from the Cangjing caves (Buddhist paintings, scrolls, died fabrics, documents written in various ancient scripts).
图版(共 175 幅)包含:陶俑残片、壁画残片、印章、灰泥塑像、古文献(佉卢文和梵文)、生活用品、木雕、货币、藏经洞的物品(佛画、卷轴、各种古文字书写的文献)。

卷五:Maps (total of 94 sheets). Maps showing only locations of archaeological interest in a wide area stretching from Kashgar in the West to Zhuangye in the East, from the Tārīm Basin to Kansu Province. The map covers from longitude 35° north to 44° north, and from latitude 75° east to 101° east.
地图(共 94 幅)。地图仅显示了西起喀什,东至张掖,从塔里木盆地到甘肃省的广大区域内具有考古价值的地点。地图覆盖范围为北纬 35 度至北纬 44 度,东经 75 度至东经 101 度。

语种:外文 格式:PDF
编号:西域考古 大小:1.9G
页数:5卷全 软件:Adobe Reader
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