刘京 Legendary 健美傳奇男神 VOL.1 健美男体艺术摄影集

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在健美圈有著超過20年經驗的資深前輩級男神Rick登場,他在青年時期即被美國自然健美協會主席譽爲中國健美界第一帥哥,高挺的鼻梁和陽剛氣質散發讓人無法抗拒的魅力,經歷歲月淬煉后更顯成熟,此次聯手攝影師劉京奉獻人生第一部全見寫真,除了成熟肌肉更有雄壯男器首都袒露,值得收藏。In bodybuilding circle with more than 20 years experience of senior senior level male Rick god, in his youth was the natural bodybuilding association President hailed as China JianMeiJie first handsome boy, high stand of bridge of the nose and masculinity irresistible charm, after years of refinement more mature, the joint photographer liu dedication life first all see photo, In addition to mature muscles more majestic male organ capital bare, worth collecting.

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